Monday, October 31, 2005

Now I can hear this song anytime I want

Since this album is not yet released here...

I borrowed from


I really like all the songs in the album, since Im a huge late 70's rock fan, and I think his album has a lot of that...
way to go Scotty!

Tambien estoy muuuy contenta porque WB empezo por fin a pasar los capitulos nuevos, en los que aparece el Dr. Morris !! Asi que no voy a sufrir abstinencia de Scott por ahora.
Lo unico que quisiera es ir al concierto del sabado imaginan? volar a California para ir al Coach House...but I cant, dammit.

Had a fake tatoo painted on her right hand
And blue jeans on,
walkin' in the sand I thought,
I'm not Mr Right, but I'm mister right now
Then I walked up to her and said
how ya do
She looked and me and said who are you
I said, I'm the one you want
I'm the one you need
My summerthing

Me encanta eso de "im not mister right, but im mister right now", una forma sutil de decir, just a one night stand...anyway...enough with this scottblurb...
see you later.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

old news

Yes, I know this is old news, but this is oficially the begining of "the comeback of my old obsesion with KC". Endure it.


Actor KEVIN COSTNER's grown-up children find it hard to accept his new wife CHRISTINE BAUMGARTNER into the family.
DANCES WITH WOLVES star hopes to have a child with his model wife, who he wed in September (04), by the end of the year (05).
But in the meantime, Costner admits life hasn't been easy with kids JOE,17, LILY,19, and
ANNIE, 20 - whose mother is his first wife CINDY SILVA.
Costner, 50, explains,"It's been a journey for them. I don't know what goes on in the psyche of daughters but they wanted to be the one who gets me the sandwich and things like that, saying, 'No, he likes it like this,' and (Cindy) was going, 'Oh, OK.'
"It was the same with everything we did. They still wanted to do ever
ything for me and it took time before they let her into the family."

She married Kevin Costner.
MY K evin Costner.
German Bitch...

to all the advertisers

I usually erase any advertising posted on my comments as soon as you post them, so dont even bother...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Your Musical Tastes Match: Nicole Kidman
See her whole playlist here (iTunes required)
What Celebrity Matches Your Taste in Music?

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Imaginen las peores condiciones, el lugar y el momento equivocados.
Ahi estoy yo. Desde que naci...

Lo peor de todo es que no importa que tan mal se ponga, lo imposible que parezca, lo insoportable. Yo siempre voy a estar ahi, intentandolo denuevo, intentandolo todo.
"Porque?" , se preguntaran..
Es que esto es todo lo que tengo, esta maldita persistencia, esperanza que no oye razones, implacable, me obliga a levantarme cada vez, y seguir.A donde?, no se...
Hay tan pocas cosas de las que estoy segura, pero aun asi, mi instinto me dice que adentrarse en la selva oscura y desconocida es mejor que quedarse y ser tragada por la nada.

A lo unico que le tengo miedo es al temor. Se que la mitad de las cosas que me detienen, estan en mi cabeza. Es la otra mitad la que me esta trayendo problemas.
Me cai en la calle hoy, a eso de las siete y cuarto de la tarde.
Me duele la rodilla.
Me quiero morir,
En serio.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Mi hermana me recomendo esta pagina. Me puse a leer. Algunos secretos son graciosos, otros son dolorosos, y es bueno que la gente se desahogue, pero hay muchos que ponen, "me siento solo". O "mi vida no es lo que yo esperaba", y miras y tienen 19, 23 aƱos...
Como puede haber tanta gente con este sentimiento de soledad?, que le pasa a la humanidad, que esta lleno de gente pero todos estan solos?

lust for life
lust for life people...

guess wich BOB actor is this, at age 5...
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Thursday, October 06, 2005

local war hero

Bridge Dedicated To Local War Hero
Tuesday October 04, 2005

A Dauphin County bridge is named in honor of a war hero.
The Route 322 bridge over the Swatara Creek was dedicated to Major Richard Winters. He lives in Hershey. Winters served in the 101st Airborne and parachuted into Normandy on D-Day - which was the inspiration for the book and movie "Band of Brothers." Rep. John Payne/(R) Dauphin County, "Clearly this bridge is the part of the 28th Division military highway system, it is the major thoroughfare for people to travel back and forth from Harrisburg to Lebanon...clearly goes out of Derry Township, one of the major arteries out and we just felt it was a fitting tribute to name the bridge in his honor." Major Winters was not able to attend because of his health.