Wednesday, December 29, 2004
24 hour party people

I saw this movie yesterday. SO good!. It reflects vividly the first punk scene in the late 70's. I think it's fascinating.
Posted by Hello
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Pattie in words
"I was a very shy person and, I suppose, easily manipulated. Of course, it's flattering to feel someone desperately wants you, but looking back, it's quite uncomfortable to realise that you were the object of desire. That's quite a passive thing to be."
"My self-esteem was unbelievably low, and I found it really hard to build up relationships because I had been used to difficult people. Anybody who was sweet and nice to me was no challenge."
"Perhaps Eric just wanted what George had. I don't know - I just think it's amazing we've come through it and we're all still alive."
"My self-esteem was unbelievably low, and I found it really hard to build up relationships because I had been used to difficult people. Anybody who was sweet and nice to me was no challenge."
"Eric showed me this packet of heroin and said: 'Either you come away with me or I will take this'. I was appalled. I grabbed at it and tried to throw it away, but he snatched it back...At first, I felt guilt. Then I felt anger because it was totally irrational of him to blame me for something he was probably going to do anyway; it was very selfish and destructive."
"Perhaps Eric just wanted what George had. I don't know - I just think it's amazing we've come through it and we're all still alive."
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
and so this is christmas...
The christmas tree is done, now we only hope that Fox wont eat it, or anything.
I was decorating the tree, and-silly me- I put on a santa hat while doing it (you know, those red stupid hats that really look like socks) and my mum not only took a picture of me looking like this, but she made my brother and sister,( and the dog ) put one too, and then she took a picture of all of us looking like that! yeahp. thats my mum.
I can imagine all those old aunts asking me things, in christmas eve, like "no boyfriend yet?"
"at your age I was married!" .yeah. ok. first I have to find someone that is not a complete asshole.
I was decorating the tree, and-silly me- I put on a santa hat while doing it (you know, those red stupid hats that really look like socks) and my mum not only took a picture of me looking like this, but she made my brother and sister,( and the dog ) put one too, and then she took a picture of all of us looking like that! yeahp. thats my mum.
I can imagine all those old aunts asking me things, in christmas eve, like "no boyfriend yet?"
"at your age I was married!" .yeah. ok. first I have to find someone that is not a complete asshole.