Going Curahee
Here is a color pic of Major Winters. (yes, he is smiling)
he is aquarius, with a Taurus moon.
Maybe that explains that quiet quality he
I dont know what is it that I like about him, about the whole story.
One of the things he said, kind of stayed with me, he said: "The big thing in life- not only in making a jump into Normandy- is that you have got to be able to think on your feet (...) throughout your life, you have to do it every day."
I dont know if you feel the same thing I feel, but this phrase is so powerfull, thats why I admire him, his mind is so clear, and honest. And its hard to be that honest all the time, believe me.
Guarnere thought he was a quaker (if you saw the series you probably know what Im talking about) because he never really was one for parties. The truth is that his mum was a menonite, and he said he learnt from his mom to be honest.
To think about all this, makes me believe even more in human will, in what people can do if they want to.
I tend to absorb books and films, to nurture my own philosophy of life, but this one is gonna stay with me for ever.
Jiddu said that we really stand alone. We stand alone together. That means there's only you to race against. You are your own time and space. You cannot depend on anybody and, yet, we are all in this situation.
I think it is a blessing that we actually stand alone, cause it forces you to be with yourself. To be honest.
he is aquarius, with a Taurus moon.

I dont know what is it that I like about him, about the whole story.
One of the things he said, kind of stayed with me, he said: "The big thing in life- not only in making a jump into Normandy- is that you have got to be able to think on your feet (...) throughout your life, you have to do it every day."
I dont know if you feel the same thing I feel, but this phrase is so powerfull, thats why I admire him, his mind is so clear, and honest. And its hard to be that honest all the time, believe me.
Guarnere thought he was a quaker (if you saw the series you probably know what Im talking about) because he never really was one for parties. The truth is that his mum was a menonite, and he said he learnt from his mom to be honest.
To think about all this, makes me believe even more in human will, in what people can do if they want to.
I tend to absorb books and films, to nurture my own philosophy of life, but this one is gonna stay with me for ever.
Jiddu said that we really stand alone. We stand alone together. That means there's only you to race against. You are your own time and space. You cannot depend on anybody and, yet, we are all in this situation.
I think it is a blessing that we actually stand alone, cause it forces you to be with yourself. To be honest.
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