Saturday, July 09, 2005


Ya se que no he escrito mucho ultimamente, solo posteaba notas o fotografias. Pero no se porque hoy me dieron ganas de escribir.
Voy a empezar yoga otra vez este mes, si es que consigo enganchar a la modista para que arregle mi jogging .lol.
Not doing much really. Just working and saving money for the camera.
La espalda me duele mas que otras veces, creo que es porque hace mucho que no hago yoga. Quisiera no tener problemas fisicos, son los que menos puedo soportar.
Euge me llama casi todos los fines de semana para salir, y a veces le digo que si, pero la mayoria de las veces pienso que es una perdida de tiempo, the way I see it.
You cant really know a person at a night club, anyway, what kind of person could that be?, they are all idiots as far as I know. They have my age, and act like 17. I sure had enough of that when I was 17... when I hook up with someone at a night club, I always regret it...Anyway, enough of it.
I was watching this docummentary today, on D day, and the war photographers.-quite a heroic job- and the cameras they used.
Eyemo. Hopefully, Ill get the Ambrose book from a book store near here. They are gonna order it from the US, so its gonna cost a little more, but, what the hell.


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